In life, you gotta be genuinely happy for others.
You gotta know how to celebrate people even when you are still believing God for your own miracle.
You gotta know how to say congratulations, am happy for you, etc and really mean it from your HEART.
Some people dunno how to be happy for others because they aren't happy themselves forgetting that life is in stages and everyone has their season.
There's barely anything that we do to others that doesn't have a way of happening back to us, Luke 6:38.
The reason some of us can't join in celebrating others is that we feel they don't deserve it especially when we feel like we are better than them but who are you to judge or condemn?
Another person's success doesn't cancel your own.
God doesn't play favoritism when it comes to His own, psalm 5:12.
Without a doubt in my heart, l can say God has already blessed you if you have a home, a car, money for groceries, and some close friends, you are blessed.
And even if you don't have these things, if you are following the Lord, you are still blessed, because the Bible says you are a child of God (1 John 3:1), you are redeemed (Psalm 71:23), you re chosen (Ephesians 1:11)
What does being genuinely happy for others do for you?
1. You often laugh, smile, and feel good in the process which helps relax the spirit, soul and body.
2. Celebrating others is like a magnet that attracts such goodness to yourself most especially when you confess it.
3. It pleases God and it causes Him to do to you just like we have done unto others, Luke 6:38.
4. It strengthens the relationship we have with that person and its also possible that there's something they know and did which you are unaware of that attracted such goodness.
So don't worry, be genuinely happy for others and watch what God will do for you!